Field Day

Field Day is held on the large, open sports field behind the school during afternoon hours.  In Alice Carlson fashion it is a highly unique event that provides that students a chance to lead, work in a team, use their imaginations, get moving and have a great time.  Students are assigned to a group comprised of students from all grade levels.  It is a great way to foster a sense of community among classes and ages.  The groups rotate through stations to participate in wonderfully novel games thought up by our amazing Physical Education teacher. Adrienne.  Typically 5th grade students lead each team along with a teacher.


Fun Run

This event kicks off our Intercultural Festival annually.  Students begin the day with a run around the TCU campus.  Parents are encouraged to participate with their kiddos or support with the travel route.



It's Fun Run Time!


We are looking for volunteers to stand along the fun run course on Thursday, May 16. Volunteers will keep students on the sidewalks and encourage them along the way. Volunteers will need to check in with Adrienne in the gym at 8:00 a.m. then head to their designated spot on the course. Our rolling start begins with 5th grade at 8:15.


The course is as follows: The start line is on the sidewalk by the west lawn. A police officer will cross students at Cantey and Stadium for the start and finish line. I will need volunteers in the following spots:


  1. Sidewalk on Stadium halfway to the TCU Rec Center (there is a driveway you will monitor)
  1. Corner of Stadium and Bellaire N. (by the Rec Center)
  1. Sidewalk halfway between Stadium and University
    1. Sidewalk halfway between Stadium and University
  • Sidewalk halfway between Bellaire N. and Cantey
  1. Sidewalk on Cantey (across the street from the school)
  1. Sidewalk on Cantey (across the street from the school)


Volunteer Here


fun run route