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Alice Carlson ALC Alice Carlson PTA
Carlson Healthy Lifestyles Dad Pack

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 Welcome to Alice Carlson PTA!




PTA Meeting - February 11 @ 6pm

We hope you can join us next week for our next PTA Meeting on Tuesday, February 11th at 6:00pm in the Library. Childcare will be provided.


Immediately following the PTA Meeting on February 11th, we will host an informal q&a session for any parents who have questions, concerns, or input for the PTA Board.


MARCH 29, 2025


Tickets on Sale NOW!


Purchase Tickets Here:


Visit our Auction Page for more information


School Tours for Prospective Families

 School Tour Interest Form


february spirit night

February calendar

2025-2026 FWISD Calendar


Tropical Paradise Auction Sponsors

Image number 1 in a rotating selection of images.
Image number 2 in a rotating selection of images.
Image number 3 in a rotating selection of images.

Give Your Feedback

to the PTA Board

 We want to hear from you!

AC PTA Feedback Form

Let us know how we're doing, share your ideas, suggestions for improvement, etc.