Upcoming Events
- Sunday, February 16
- Monday, February 17
- Thursday, February 27
- Wednesday, March 5
- Thursday, March 6
- Monday, March 10
- Tuesday, March 11
- Wednesday, March 12
Welcome to Alice Carlson PTA!
PTA Meeting - February 11 @ 6pm
We hope you can join us next week for our next PTA Meeting on Tuesday, February 11th at 6:00pm in the Library. Childcare will be provided.
Immediately following the PTA Meeting on February 11th, we will host an informal q&a session for any parents who have questions, concerns, or input for the PTA Board.
MARCH 29, 2025
Tickets on Sale NOW!
Purchase Tickets Here: carlsonhavana.givesmart.com
Visit our Auction Page for more information
School Tours for Prospective Families
february spirit night
February calendar
2025-2026 FWISD Calendar
Give Your Feedback
to the PTA Board
We want to hear from you!
Let us know how we're doing, share your ideas, suggestions for improvement, etc.